Kundalini Yoga Benefits are Now Available Online

Practicing yoga is not just exercising. There is much more to it. Yoga is a journey for both the body and the spirit. In particular, a Kundalini awakening through yoga can awaken your own inner power. Awakening the Kundalini energy is best explored with an experienced teacher, such as Guru Rattana or Maya Fiennes. With their guidance, you can fully experience the many Kundalini Yoga benefits. These benefits include:

1. A wonderful initial change in your being. You’ll feel more aware of your energy levels and your senses. You’ll also feel more content with your life.

2. A balance of your body’s energy centers, known as “chakras”. The Kundalini energy is like a snake, rising up the spine and untying all of the knots in your chakras. This balance will help to improve your outlook on life and make you feel more balanced, making you willing and able to take on what life deals to you.

3. Physical health benefits. Kundalini awakening improves memory and creates clear thinking. Decisions are made more easily. Physical strength is also improved. Physical healing is enhanced, and you might even experience healing for stomach, throat, liver, and kidney problems.

In fact, when the Kundalini energy is awakened, balance is brought to the entire body, soul, and mind. You become equipped to take control of your emotions, rather than letting your emotions take over. This kind of contentment opens the gates for a spiritual awakening, an experience of higher consciousness. You’ll feel empowered and capable of fulfilling your highest potential.

Kundalini meditation can help you arrive at achieving this potential. It is simply a practice of being in touch with your mind and energy. It involves the use of sacred sounds, or mantras, and the use of breath, or pranayama. Mantras and pranayama are tools used to focus the mind and keep it from running amok during meditation. Silent chanting is considered the use of divine sounds. Kundalini Yoga incorporates these special sounds and breath control to lead you safely into deep meditations.

Because this path involves spiritual guidance, in addition to the use of postures to strengthen the body, seek a qualified Kundalini Yoga teacher. You’ll find online lessons, books, CDs, and DVDs to help guide your way at yogatech.com. There, you can experience teachings by Guru Rattana, Maya Fiennes, and of course, Yogi Bhajan, who brought Kundalini Yoga benefits to the West in 1969.

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The Physical and Spiritual Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

While the majority of people that practice yoga utilize elements of different kinds, one of the most beneficial types of yoga is Kundalini. This type of yoga focuses on the core of our being. Kundalini itself refers to the reservoir of untapped energy residing near the base of the spine, and within the Root chakra. By making use of this energy, this type of yoga works to benefit the perceptiveness of an individual and his or her connection to the world around them while opening all the seven main chakras that can be found in the human body. Kundalini works to release any energy or tensions which may exist so that it can benefit the individual mentally, physically, and spiritually. Ultimately, one that practices Kundalini should expect raised consciousness and a stronger connection to nature, themselves, and God.

Kundalini Yoga was introduced to the West in the 1960s by Yogi Bhajan, the founder of 3HO. Kundalini Yoga includes specific breathing techniques that are utilized to increase the benefits of each pose and movement. A class or a Kundalini Yoga DVD will reveal that breathing, as well as meditation and chanting, is an essential step of this yoga practice. The ultimate goal is to feel a connectedness between one another, the Earth, and with God.

For anyone that is interested in the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of this type of yoga, they should first begin by checking out reliable resources. One online resource that also includes several yoga related products is Yoga Technology. Yoga Technology has many online classes that provide beginners a glimpse into the world of yoga. There are also Kundalini Yoga DVD collections available from world-renowned Yogis. Learn more about this spiritual and beneficial yoga practice by visiting Yoga Technology today.

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Guru Rattana: Leading the Way in Kundalini Yoga

Guru Rattana is one of the premier teachers of yoga in the United States. She started training with Yogi Bhajan, the acknowledged master of Kundalini Yoga, in 1977. She has since written manuals about meditation and Kundalini Yoga. Guru Rattana has a doctorate degree from the University of Geneva in Switzerland and teaches regularly in the San Diego, California area. She is also very active in online teaching, reaching out to many people online that are interested in learning the basics of Kundalini Yoga.

Guru Rattana began her study of Kundalini Yoga in 1977 under the supervision of Yogi Bhajan. She has participated in more than a hundred White Tantric meditation courses and more than a dozen Khalsa women’s training camps. She has also taught numerous courses for the women’s training camps.

Additionally, she is a very-well traveled teacher. She has been to various territories such as Russia, Sweden, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Italy and Portugal. She co-created and serves as lead trainer of the KriyaKundalini yoga teacher training courses

She is a prolific writer and has authored four original highly acclaimed manuals on Kundalini yoga and meditation. These include, “Transitions to a Heart-Centered World,” “Sexuality and Spirituality,” “Relax and Renew,” and, “Introduction to KundaliniYoga.” In addition to these, she wrote “The Destiny of Women is the Destiny of the World” and “Your Life Is in Your Chakras.” Her latest books are titled “The Inner Art of Love” and “Gift of Womanhood.” She has also written more than 200 issues of the e-zone New Millennium Being. These articles included topics, including Kundalini Yoga, but also delved into issues like astrology and spirituality.

Guru Rattana has a doctorate in Political Science from the University of Geneva, Switzerland and a master’s degree from the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. She has taught various courses at the New Hampshire College, Dartmouth College and the United States International University. In addition to these, she taught at Stanford University and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She regularly teaches in the San Diego, California area when she is not traveling.

She also teaches online through streaming videos – Guru Rattana Online. The Yoga Technology online superstore is a great site for yoga enthusiasts to visit, especially those searching for streaming videos of Guru Rattana. The website also offers Kundalini Yoga books, DVDs and CDs. Yoga Tech is the ideal website for Yoga enthusiasts. It can be accessed at yogatech.com.

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The Unique Kundalini Yoga Teachings of Maya Fiennes

Maya Fiennes is a trained classical pianist who made a successful crossover to teaching Kundalini Yoga. Before learning Kundalini Yoga, she was an accomplished classical pianist who came to England in the ‘90s for the completion of her training. She performed in front of different audiences such as the United Nations Assembly and even members of the British Royal Family. Later, Maya released her own album entitled, “Cross of Silence,” in 1995. The album was widely acclaimed, with Q-Magazine citing it as a noteworthy work for combining dance, ambient, world, and classical music.

Even as a classical pianist, Maya Fiennes practiced different yoga varieties for years. In 2003, she started training as a Kundalini teacher under Shiv Charan Singh at the KaramKriya School in London. She was then given the name HarBhajan, or, “Praise the name of God, Divinity & Infinity through Sound and Mantra.” Her training in Kundalini Yoga enabled her to blend her love for music with yoga. She is well known for teaching Kundalini Yoga with her own original music. This makes her yoga classes a standout and a compelling reason why many yoga enthusiasts are interested in signing up for her classes.

However, not everyone can participate in her yoga classes, especially those who are far from the Los Angeles area where she is based. Even so, anyone can still experience being in a Maya Fiennes yoga class by watching a Kundalini Yoga DVDby this respected teacher.

Though she continues to release music CDs like, “Mayaspace,” which fuses classical music with yoga mantras, her DVD catalogue is now more prominent. She has an extensive Kundalini Yoga DVD collection that beginner and advanced yoga practitioners will enjoy.

Yoga Technology (yogatech.com) is a great online resource for yoga practitioners who want to experience yoga as instructed by Maya Fiennes. This site offers her current DVD collection featuring six DVDs that include more than six hours of Kundalini Yoga instruction plus three hours of mantra music that will suit every mood of its listeners. This DVD collection is an ideal gift for any individual who already enjoys yoga or one that is only just beginning. Yoga Technology also offers other exciting promos like a free Maya Fiennes “Detox and Destress” DVD for those who purchase her DVD collection. There’s no denying that Yoga Technology is one of the best websites for anyone interested in learning Kundalini Yoga through the teachings of this unique and talented teacher.

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The Influence of Guru Rattana

Guru Rattana is a prolific writer who is behind the popular Kundalini Yoga and Meditation manuals. She has written seven books, including “Transitions to a Heart-Centered World,” “Sexuality and Spirituality,” “Relax and Renew,” “Your Life Is In Your Chakras,” “The Destiny of Women Is the Destiny of the World,” “Introduction to Kundalini Yoga” and “The Inner Art of Love.” These books answers questions concerning the navigation of a person’s spiritual journey. She also writes and edits the New Millennium Being e-magazine that discusses topics like astrology, spirituality and Kundalini Yoga.

Guru Rattanahas a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Switzerland and a M.A. from the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. She has an extensive working career serving for the United Nations Environment Program. She is also a teacher, having taught International Environment and Development Studies at Dartmouth College. She also taught Philosophies of Life and History at the U.S. International University in San Diego, California. Additionally, she is a lecturer at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California.

Her teaching background has allowed her to visit numerous parts of the world. Some of the countries that she has visited for her teaching tours include Sweden, England, Russia, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands and Portugal. She currently lives in San Diego, California where she continues to write and hold self-empowerment workshops. Of course, she remains active in the teaching of Kundalini Yogaand chakras by holding classes about these topics.

Despite settling down in San Diego, she continues to reach out to a worldwide audience through the help of unique websites, like Yoga Technology. The company’s website, is an online repository of many of Guru Rattana’swork on Kundalini Yoga. Anyone who may be interested in taking the first steps towards a life-changing experience should visit the Guru Rattanaonline section of the website. This section offers streaming videos that incorporate many of the principles and writings of Guru Rattana. There is also a free demo video that interested individuals may watch to get a glimpse of her teachings.

Guru Rattana is well-known for her unique presentation of Kundalini Yoga and a strong grasp on its spiritual principles. Her impressive works are in full display at the Yoga Technology website. Anyone who would like to achieve inner peace and freedom should check out their website at yogatech.com. This website also includes works by other world renowned Gurus and Yogis.

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The Teachings of Maya Fiennes can Lead to Spiritual and Mental Growth

Have you grown tired of a fast paced and stressful life? Do you want to experience the numerous benefits that KundaliniYoga provides users? If yes, then you should consider following the teachings of a well respected and beloved yoga guru. There are plenty of yoga teachers out there, but not all of them have sterling reputations. When you perform a search query online for the best Kundalini Yoga DVDS or the most popular teachers of Kundalini, Maya Fiennes is a name you’ll encounter many times.

Who is this yoga guru? Fiennes was born in Macedonia. Before she began teaching Kundalini, she enjoyed a successful and prolific career as a performer and classical pianist. She has learned to combine her talents in this particular area with her innate upbeat personality in order to come up with a unique for, of meditation and yoga for modern living. Her teachings are based on Kundalini as taught by Harbhajan Singh Yogi, also known as Yogi Bhajan.

Her philosophy, which is to live with inner peace, confidence, and good health, propelled her to the top of the most in-demand and sought after yoga instructors in the world. All of her classes are fun, uplifting, and most of all, inspirational.

Maya is known for the uniqueness of her teachings and for using her own songs in her classes. She has released many DVDs, one of the most popular being “Kundalini Yoga: A Journey Through the Chakras.” In this particular DVD, Maya discusses how Kundalini was relatively unknown to Westerners until Yogi Bhajan introduced it to the West in the late 1960s.

Her DVD set includes practice segments teaching viewers how they can open their first three chakras or subtle energy centers. These chakras are located in the lower area of the spine. The first disc included in the DVD set discusses how a person can work on his or her first chakra. The second disc targets the second energy center. The third provides information on how one can work on his or her third energy center.

When you learn how to combine all of her teachings and properly follow these teachings, you are on your way to experiencing significant growth both in your spiritual and your mental health. In addition to this, as Kundalini also includes physical movements, you will be able to see improvements in your physical health.

Learn more about Maya Fiennes and order her Kundalini Yoga DVDs at Yoga Technology. Their website is yogatech.com.

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The Contributions of Singh Kaur to Kundalini

Before Deva Premal, Enya, and today’s thriving chant music movement, there was first Singh Kaur.  During the 1970s and the 1980s, Kaur was the best selling singer in the New Age music scene. She was the ever American Sikh musician whose songs and music beyond the 3HO (wherein the 3H stands for Healthy, Happy, and Holy, while O means Organization) Kundalini Yoga community. Her musical contributions greatly impacted the spiritual community.

However, before we get into the details of what Kaur was able to achieve during her lifetime, as well as contributions to the spiritual community, let us first provide you with a brief overview of Kundalini.

  • Spiritual growth: The practice of Kundalini develops spiritual awareness more quickly than other yoga forms or to those that focus on physical poses. Kriyas is the term used for the combination of hand positions (mudras), body contractions (bandhas), yoga poses, mantras, breathing, and meditation. Through kriyas, yoga practitioners are said to be have the opportunity to overcome any spiritual, emotional or mental barrier.
  • Physical fitness: Practicing Kundalini can bring about improvements in flexibility, endurance, balance, and strength. When under the guidance and instructions of a certified Kundalini instructor, the poses performed would be able to stimulate the glands, as well as tone and cleanse the body.
  • Overall well-being: Since Kundalini can improve both spiritual and physical health, many practitioners have reported they feel more peaceful and they are happier with their lives.

Before she became known as Kaur, she was actually Laura Drew. She was a New Age vocalist, instrumentalist, and composer. Her prolific career started in the early 1970s and continued until the late 1990s. In her career as a musician, she released 23 different albums. Her voice can only be described as “angelic,” which she then combined with haunting melodies. She was known as a pioneer in the flourishing genre of Westernized interpretations of Indian chanting music.

With her soothing, angelic voice, she quickly gained the respect and the love of the Kundalini community. She has collaborated with several of 3HO’s yogi musicians. Many of her songs were directly taken from the Sikh scriptures. She has also released the extremely popular Crimson series albums. In addition to being used widely by KundaliniYogis, these songs are also played frequently in birthing centers, hospitals, holistic spas, and in other places where music is considered to have healing powers.

To learn more about Kundalini Yoga and Singh Kaur’s musical contributions, visit Yoga Technology now at yogatech.com.

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The Inspirational and Uplifting Teachings of Guru Rattana

Guru Rattana is one of the most influential yoga instructors in the history of Kundalini Yoga. She studied under Yogi Bhajan, the man responsible for bringing Kundalini to the West. In fact, she is the first ever student of Yogi Bhajan to successfully present Kundalini Yoga through the modern, World Wide Web—You can easily find Guru Rattana online.

She has years of experience as a premier yoga instructor. She uniquely combines her knowledge of Kundalini Yoga and meditation and applies these principles to the practice of Tai Chi and Chi Gong. She shares her knowledge on a wide range of topics. As an author of numerous books and manuals about Kundalini Yoga, she has mentored many of today’s Kundalini Yoga instructors. In addition to this, she has also given hundreds of classes and workshops on personal empowerment, focusing both on Kundalini Yoga and meditation. Indeed, she is widely known for her unique presentations that incorporate her very own writings.

Distinctive Platforms for Kundalini Teachings

This particular Kundalini Yoga Guru makes her teachings available and accessible to anyone. You’ll find her teachings:

Through Written and Published Works – She has written four very popular manuals for the study and practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation: “Transitions to a Heart-Centered World,” “Sexuality and Spirituality,” “Introduction to Kundalini Yoga,” and “Relax and Renew.” Additionally, she has authored “Your Life is in Your Chakras” and “The Destiny of Women is the Destiny of the World.” Her most recent work is “The Inner Art of Love.”

Through Workshops and Classes – She also makes her Kundalini Yoga teachings available through workshops and classes that she holds at the Polish American Club located in San Diego, California. Her international teaching tours include an annual Women of the World Retreat.

Through the World Wide Web – Thanks to Internet technology, her online teachings are now widely available. If you do not live in San Diego, you can still receive her teachings at your convenience, consider enrolling in her online Kundalini Yoga classes. You’ll also find her writings online in the New Millennium Being e-zine, where she discusses her insights on spirituality, astrology, and Kundalini.

Access Kundalini Yoga Teachings via the Yoga Technology Website

Now, through online video streaming, you can access to the world-class teachings of Guru Rattana. Learn from her inspirational, motivational, and uplifting classes any time of the day, wherever you may be. Expect to experience her teachings through state-of-the-art flash video streaming. For more information on the variety of Guru Rattanaonline Kundalini Yoga classes, visit the Yoga Technology website by simply going to yogatech.com.

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Beginning Your Yoga Practice at Home With Your First Kundalini Yoga DVD

One of the best things about practicing yoga is that you can do it almost anywhere, as long as your surroundings are quiet and peaceful. Many individuals, especially those that have just begun practicing yoga, choose to take classes to receive guidance and lessons directly from a teacher, or a guru, in person. However, when you consider practicing yoga at home, you can access teachings from the best instructors at a more affordable price.  Start a collection of yoga DVDs with a Kundalini Yoga DVD from Maya Fiennes, who regularly broadcasts classes on Fit TV in the US and Canada, and on the Body in Balance satellite channel that is beamed throughout Western Europe.

Need more convincing to understand the benefits of practicing yoga at home, rather than in a studio? Read below to see if any of the following rings true for you:

• Comfort and Privacy—When you practice yoga at home, you’ll feel more relaxed, because you are practicing in complete privacy. Certainly attending classes in a yoga studio is a great way to socialize, but there may be times that you could feel self-conscious, which brings the ego into play. And paying attention to the ego does not allow you to go within and experience the joy of yoga. Just make sure that the area you will choose is quiet so as to get the most out of your in-home yoga sessions.

• No Need to Worry About Running Late to your Yoga Studio Class—You can practice yoga on your own schedule when you practice in your home. No running late for sessions, no getting dressed to impress, and you save money on gas and class enrollment. Many who practice yoga lead very busy lifestyles, and yoga is designed to be a quiet interlude in your day. Racing to get to classes becomes just another hectic entry on what may already be a hectic schedule.

• More Tools are at your Disposal—When you establish a yoga practice at home, you have a choice of tools and do not need to rely on just one teacher to feed you all information, as you do in a class. You can listen to your own preferred yoga music, light candles and incense, and create the yoga atmosphere that makes you feel most relaxed for practicing poses and meditation. You can also receive training from online classes, taught by the best and most prominent teachers of Kundalini.

Why not begin your yoga home practice with the best tools? You can choose a Kundalini Yoga DVD to get you started at YogaTech.com. They carry the best beginning and advanced yoga DVDs, CDs, and supplies from the best teachers—Maya Fiennes and many others. Go there now to check out their entire catalog.

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Beginning Your Yoga Journey with Guru Rattana

Have you decided to begin practicing Kundalini Yoga? There are many fine instructional DVDs, music, and online classes that can get you started. Always seek information from those with extensive experience practicing and teaching yoga. One of those is Guru Rattana, a premier Kundalini teacher of our time. Purchase any of her instructional aids—DVDs, CDs, and books—and find a quiet spot to immerse yourself in the wonders of yoga.

One of the keys to getting the best experience out of your Kundalini sessions is choosing the right place for practice. Your first and best option is to practice yoga at home, because in the privacy of your own home is where you may feel most comfortable. Practicing yoga in nature is also a wonderful option. It can be practiced in parks, on beaches, and even on paddleboards.

• Practicing Kundalini at Home – Find a quiet, softly lit spot in your home where you feel very relaxed. Your bedroom may be a good choice.

• Practicing Kundalini in Parks –Parks are ideal venues for practicing yoga, because you get to enjoy nature. Don’t forget to bring a mat, since grassy areas will not provide sufficient cushioning for your body.

• Practicing Kundalini on Beaches or Paddle Boards—The roar of the surf or the sound of lapping water is a great accompaniment to yoga practice. You will be greeted with fresh air and positive ions that can further help you relax.

Other Useful Tips for Practicing Kundalini

Many individuals are most comfortable when practicing Kundalini Yoga at home. They aren’t concerned about their appearance or what they wear. And when you practice Kundalini at home, you can make use of other tools that will help you receive the best yoga experience possible. You can even take online courses from Guru Rattana. She has seven yoga and meditation manuals available to help supplement your yoga learning.

She has also written nearly 200 issues of the New Millennium Being e-zine. And her years of experience will benefit your well-being. She began her yoga studies back in 1977 with Yogi Bhajan, and she is a KRI-certified teacher. In fact, her international teaching tours have taken her around the world, from England and Sweden to Russia and Germany. But you don’t need to travel to begin your journey with her. Start at the online home of Yoga Technology, at yogatech.com, to register for online classes today.

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